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hello reader, i have had such a good few days !! i am in town north of chicago with my parents visiting my brother who lives here, here to see a jacob collier concert together ! on the car ride in yesterday i had my laptop set up so i could play minecraft while i rode :o) i worked on finishing this big hot air balloon!

ive been having so much fun on my minecraft server !!! (when im not dying in lava and losing my newly forged diamond pickaxe with all the good enchantments AARRR) everyone there is so lovely and its so fun to have a little community together.

join if you want!!! the IP address is!

yesterday evening we got pizza out in town near where we're staying, and decided to go around on a walk afterwards to explore the area and oh my goodness!! it is such a nice place. the streets are so narrow and walkable and the buildings are so old and beautiful , there's this center square park area where there was live music playing and a bunch of people scattered about with chairs and blankets. there's a train station with a florist's shop built in. it is so nice.

and the weather recently!!! it's been unseasonably nice for june. like 50-65 degrees every day for like a whole week !!!
today we got brunch together at this really quaint diner, the waiter was nice, and the food was soo good! then later we headed to the venue for the concert and it was so nice. it was at the ravinia festival in highland park just north of chicago.

it was super quick getting in and parking, the area was super walkable and beautiful, lots of trees and grass, there was this huge old building on the grounds, previously a train station i think? covered in ivy, it was so pretty.

and the actual concert took place in this huge pavilion it was really cool. it was outdoors but there was a ceiling and like it was carpeted and the seating was really nice. it felt indoors but like birds could fly through and you could see lots of trees in your peripheral vision!

lawrence opened the concert and oh my god they were amazing. halfway through everyone got up out of their seats to dance. it was incredible. and jacob collier's mom was there to perform a song with them! and jacob's show was obviously incredible!! ive been to 2 previously already so i somewhat knew what to expect but it was still amazing. and!!! near the end, he was doing an encore song and was singing as he walked around the aisles in the pavilion, and walked by me and i went for a high five but he left me hanging. but then he turned around, looked me in the eye and gave me a high five!!!! it was crazy!!!! ahhh it was such a nice day!! i hope you have had a good day too dear reader!!! best wishes !!! byebye!!